Looking for a new way to show your employees apprecation? Ask us about our options for Corporate Team Building! We will personalize an experience specially for your company.

Courses: Classes & Workshops
We are proud to offer a range of options for classes, courses & workshops in one-on-one and group settings.
Interested in learning how to forge or make your own knife? Perhaps enjoy a memorable team-building day with your family or business? No experience needed and all materials will be provided! Have the time of your life while creating one-of-a-kind projects in a safe environment.
Taking a class at AZ Custom Knives is sure be an experience you'll never forget. Come forge with us!
"The Hole in the Sky" 2022
Artist: Grant Berg A.S.A
Fabricator: Alessio Zilli
Donated by Northern Mat & Bridge
Indigenous Peoples believe that when we are born we come from the stars; when we pass this is where we return. The seven star cluster, known today as Pleiades or The Little Dipper, is recognized by Indigenous Peoples as The Hole in the Sky. This sculpture was created to offer comfort to all families who have lost a child at any age or gestation. Let this sacred space be a beacon to all lost spirits, so that they may find their way home.
We want to honour and acknowledge the thousands of children who didn't make it home from Indian residential schools (1831-1996). We intentionally dedicate this sculpture in their memory and those whose hearts are broken in their absence.

We approach each project with ingenuity and attention to detail while honouring our client's vision.
Pictured here is one of our larger residential projects: a stunning feature wall made of handmade curls, executed with traditional Swiss techniques.
To see more details on this project, click the link below or visit the 'Blacksmithing' page to see more of our blacksmithing magic.